Well Monday was one of those days where you wish you had just stayed in bed!! I was burning heather well I wasn't I was hired in with the swipe cutting heather then the game keepers burned the inbetween what I swiped.
Here is some pictures of the work going well!

This is the view I had when I was trying to stop a fire that was running away up the hill! I decided to stop Incase the tractor was not going to get enought air and die on the hill!!

This is how the day ended well almost I got out in the end after being winched! The tractor also decided to die whilst stuck as the shut off solenoid was playing up!! This is after I lost a chain flail and Shepard the PTO shaft in half!!!
Here is some pictures of the work going well!

This is the view I had when I was trying to stop a fire that was running away up the hill! I decided to stop Incase the tractor was not going to get enought air and die on the hill!!

This is how the day ended well almost I got out in the end after being winched! The tractor also decided to die whilst stuck as the shut off solenoid was playing up!! This is after I lost a chain flail and Shepard the PTO shaft in half!!!
