Good evening gentlemen, and fellow knuckle skinners 
Throughout our history .. great engineers have invented machines that have constantly made our lives easier and , indeed , facilitated works by lesser skilled individuals that previously were the preserve of contractors, with specialist knowledge. Some great tools have emerged, such as the mini excavator, and the high lift dumper, but, in keeping all this plant on the road, is a dedicated band of men such as is among our selves, who sacrefice many things .. the fridge not keeping our beer cool
.. our wimmen taking tantrums because fitting an injection pump is far more important than her new shoes
.. all that kind of stuff .. and we endure trauma at all levels and even the loss of blood , just to get our work done and maintain a band of happy customers, punters, and family at home, who depend on the income we make. Your indolent teenager stuck on his playstation, who will suddenly find there is no job because he has learned no real skill, the companies who will be looking for fitters like gold dust, because all the young guys dont like getting dirty .. its all coming to a street near you 
Anyway now that Ive got that off my chest
I'll pursue the goals of the former objective .. cuts, loss of skin and grazes aside 
More to follow

Throughout our history .. great engineers have invented machines that have constantly made our lives easier and , indeed , facilitated works by lesser skilled individuals that previously were the preserve of contractors, with specialist knowledge. Some great tools have emerged, such as the mini excavator, and the high lift dumper, but, in keeping all this plant on the road, is a dedicated band of men such as is among our selves, who sacrefice many things .. the fridge not keeping our beer cool

Anyway now that Ive got that off my chest

More to follow