Was working away with this digger and no matter how much I greased it, the frikkin boom would not stop squeaking
So a closer inspection required ...........
So I'm looking at it ...... and realise theres no grease on the righ hand fork whereas the left one is fine ?
how could this be ? ... one of the worlds finest mini excavator manufacturers has dropped the ball here, and I'm going to have to mod the pin with an extra greaser I thought ... as it only has one nipple on the pin, hidden on the left. Well I didnt think Kubota were that daft and they were not,
Turns out there is a second grease gallery exit on the right, but it was blocked. When I pumped it out, out came the factory grease that kubota use, this stuff is quite thick and very tactile. Turns out, as the hole on the left is closer to the nipple, all the grease has been coming out of this one , and any pressure generated by the grease gun escapes here in preference to pumping out the thicker stuff on the right hand hole .. well problem easily solved and she now squeak free .. luckily it doesent have that many hours on it ... I wonder how many older machines will just run with that side dry, and wear the pin and bush faster on that side ?

So I'm looking at it ...... and realise theres no grease on the righ hand fork whereas the left one is fine ?

Turns out there is a second grease gallery exit on the right, but it was blocked. When I pumped it out, out came the factory grease that kubota use, this stuff is quite thick and very tactile. Turns out, as the hole on the left is closer to the nipple, all the grease has been coming out of this one , and any pressure generated by the grease gun escapes here in preference to pumping out the thicker stuff on the right hand hole .. well problem easily solved and she now squeak free .. luckily it doesent have that many hours on it ... I wonder how many older machines will just run with that side dry, and wear the pin and bush faster on that side ?