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I go back to post #4 , try turning the RV's back a bit so it doesent stall and see how it digs ? I find a lot of people ( previous owner) expect these wee diggers to behave like 20 tonners sometimes
Please don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
Have you tracked back on the fuel line from the pump, and checked you have no in-line filter that could be causing you grief?
Might even be worth it to empty tank, blow out the lines and start again with clean fuel, sorry if you already have, and I missed that.
Failing that could you rig up a separate temporary supply to feed the pump, thus ruling out all your tank, lines and filters? big job I know, but may be worth a shot.
Another thought is tank lid breather, if it's not getting air through you would experience fuel shortage after a short time running. You could try running without lid secured down, see if any difference.
Will continue thinking.
Muz if i wind it back to 120 bar i can prevent the stall but it wont track much faster than a very slow snail :) and its weak digging.
I have the service manual says reliefs should be :
Port 1 : 185 bar Port 2 : 185 bar
port 3 : 170 bar
I've set them to this (only had to adjust port 1 others were set as expected....port 1 was actually beyond 200! so i reckon previous owner was trying to make it a 5 tonner
Ginger your idea of a separate supply is a great one, there are two filters between the tank and the injection pump (I've replaced these and blew out the line back to the tank but has had no effect)
So next step:
I'm going to rig it up to take fuel from a temporary supply.
If i have the fuel supply higher than the injector pump will that allow me to use gravity to feed it and allow me to take the 12v lift pump out of the equation as well?
there are two filters between the tank and the injection pump (I've replaced these and blew out the line back to the tank but has had no effect)
So next step:
I'm going to rig it up to take fuel from a temporary supply.
Thats what Ianoz was getting at. Sometimes a flake of paint (for example) or a small piece of plastic can get trapped in a fuel line particularly where it takes a hard turn, such as on the inside of banjo fitting, and restrict fuel flow, so bypassing all filter bodies will eliminate this
Sounds ok to me Andrew .. think it would run rough and make smoke etc if it was even just a little out
Please don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
Muz if i wind it back to 120 bar i can prevent the stall but it wont track much faster than a very slow snail :) and its weak digging.
I have the service manual says reliefs should be :
Port 1 : 185 bar Port 2 : 185 bar
port 3 : 170 bar
I've set them to this (only had to adjust port 1 others were set as expected....port 1 was actually beyond 200! so i reckon previous owner was trying to make it a 5 tonner
Please don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
Update: So i managed to hook a jerry can of fuel straight to the injector pump, I'm growing to like the taste of Diesel :).
Anyway exact same behavior as before , so at least I know its nothing downstream of the injector pump.
The one thing I've still to do and it will annoy me until I discount it is replace the return hydraulic filter...however doesn't seem straight forward, looks like I'm going to need to disconnect quite a few hoses to be able to get it out, is this normal I've attached a couple of pics to show you my predicament.
No way to get it out the bottom as its there are so many hoses, only way I can see is to the left if undo the three input hoses and the black connector these go into (yellow arrow on photo)
Update: So i managed to hook a jerry can of fuel straight to the injector pump, I'm growing to like the taste of Diesel :).
Anyway exact same behavior as before , so at least I know its nothing downstream of the injector pump.
The one thing I've still to do and it will annoy me until I discount it is replace the return hydraulic filter...however doesn't seem straight forward, looks like I'm going to need to disconnect quite a few hoses to be able to get it out, is this normal I've attached a couple of pics to show you my predicament.
No way to get it out the bottom as its there are so many hoses, only way I can see is to the left if undo the three input hoses and the black connector these go into (yellow arrow on photo)
Only one way to find out try it tomorrow could get messy.....stupid design!!!
A very stupid design and yeh it IS going to be messy ..... you might need to reduce the level in the tank to below the return port level to minimise the escape of oil
is this a solenoid or is it the servo filter canister?
if it's the servo can., it'd be worth having it off and cleaning it, at a minimum, whilst it's 'messy' in there and might get you a bit of extra wriggle room
If it's got tracks, wheels, t*ts, or an engine, at some point it's gonna give you trouble!!
Hydraulic filter changed , finally got it out had to remove a few cables and one of the elbows.....pain the in a**!!
Anyway all back together made no difference, but least that's it changed!
I'm kinda stuck as to what to try test next.
Excellent .... did it squeeze past that top fitting, with the hose off ?
Did you investigate what looks like the servo filter canister whilst you were nice and well lubed or isn't that what it is ???
don't suppose you had a ratch with a probe in the filter's nipple, whilst it was off, in case there was anything (like a lump of rubber hose lining) stuck in there, restricting the orifice ?
meant to suggest it the other day and forgot
this gets stranger and stranger .....
on the subject of hoses .....
that big rubber one on the bottom of the main return to the filter ....
is that the valve chest/block return - not got an inner breaking up and forming a valve like pocket
in the wall (like diverticulitis in the gut, or a bicuspid valve in a vein - https://www.jobst.com/mainnavigation...ns-valves.html )?
clutching at straws a bit, but you never know ??????
you could try and tee in a pressure gauge between that hose and the valve block outlet fitting, feeding the filter ... pressure should be almost negligible
bet it'll be a bastard to get at ...... looking at the rest of it
something would appear to be causing back pressure somewhere in EVERYTHING and that'd be the only point it could do it ...... aside from the valve block itself .... and causing a stall situation, with the system having no where to exhaust the oil to
if that were the case it'd probably be doing it all the time .... oil flows continuously .... unless you have a VD pump on that ??
If it's got tracks, wheels, t*ts, or an engine, at some point it's gonna give you trouble!!
Just saw your previous message....I has assumed that was some sort of solenoid but I'm gonna check manual now!
Believe it or not the hose going from the main valve to the that large one (T1) is the easiest one to get to....need to check fittings looks different from the usual 1/4" ones.
I'll take all those hoses off Druid and check to make sure clear thanks for suggestion!
Yeah only thing I can think is there is an increased flow when i'm deadheading two circuits and its somehow not returning quickly enough.....or as before engine not giving what it should not sure how I test that one though!
Had to take the two circled off as well as the elbow....wasn't actually as messy as I thought once most of the oil was inside the filter.
Just saw your previous message....I has assumed that was some sort of solenoid but I'm gonna check manual now!
Believe it or not the hose going from the main valve to the that large one (T1) is the easiest one to get to....need to check fittings looks different from the usual 1/4" ones.
I'll take all those hoses off Druid and check to make sure clear thanks for suggestion!
Yeah only thing I can think is there is an increased flow when i'm deadheading two circuits and its somehow not returning quickly enough.....or as before engine not giving what it should not sure how I test that one though!
just looked at the spec for this and it's supposedly 3 gear pumps, all with the same flow rates ... and all MRVs set to 186 bar .... so not a variable displacement pump
with a circuit dead ended the only available route 'home' for the oil is the RV for that circuit ..... dead ending two = x2 RVs sending oil through their respective gallery(ies) 'home' ..... partially blocked gallery ??? - assuming they share the same gallery in the block??
as each circuit alone, relieves OK, I'd guess they share a return gallery -- at some point in the block architecture?
do you have a schematic for the valve block you could put up ?
I'd guess dead ending three services'd stop it dead?
If it's got tracks, wheels, t*ts, or an engine, at some point it's gonna give you trouble!!