Here is my procedure for removing and servicing the fuel injectors.
1. Remove the Fat air pipe:
Remove Fat Air Pipe.jpg
2. Clamp the fuel hoses that connect to the Fuel Injection Pump:
Clamp Fuel pipes to IP.jpg
Pull the overflow hose away from the IP. That is the top hose. The bottom hose, which comes from the fuel filter, can remain in situ but it's worth clamping as it prevents excessive amounts of fuel spilling through the overflow hose fitting on the IP.
3. Undo fuel injector pipes starting with the one on the right as this allows easier access to the subsequent pipes:
Undo Fuel injection pipes.jpg
4...and remove pipes:
And remove pipes.jpg
5. Release and remove overspill manifold nuts (or whatever it's real name is)
release fuel overspill pipe manifold nuts.jpg
..and don't drop the nuts in the engine bay (....guess who did that..

don't lose them or drop them in the engine bay.jpg
6. ...and pull away the manifold (careful not to bend the pipes):
pull away overspill manifold.jpg
7. Undo the injectors:
undo Injector .jpg
...and remove. Be careful of the copper washer which may remain in the injector port. A free Xmas Chicken to anyone who can guess WHO reassembled everything but left 2 of the washers on the workbench

remove injector.jpg
beware of stuck copper washer in injector port.jpg
8. SERVICING THE INJECTOR ( my cheap way)
Clean the injectors externals with petrol/white spirit:
Clean the externals of the injector.jpg
9. Loosen the Injector's main components by holding it in a vice:
Hold Injector in a vice to disassemble.jpg
10. Carefully disassemble the injector bodies - the top half (injection pipe inlet) screws into the bottom half (nozzle end)
Unscrew Injector.jpg
11. The injector components all need to be thoroughly cleaned. Here they are laid out in order of disassembly:
Injector Components.jpg
12. Check for obstructions from soot build up:
Clearview through the injector main components.jpg
13. Thoroughly clean the end of the spear/nozzle component. The pointy end is right in the injector port giving the fuel spray pattern:
Clean Injector spear.jpg
Reassembly is the reverse.
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