5. Removed all IP pipes and rechecked the injectors for tightness. My service manual still hasn't arrived so I torqued up the injectors by feel

6. Removed IP to check if all is ok with the repair - all seems fine so refitted.
7. Turned engine over briefly with the fuel pipes still removed so as to observe the IP throwing out regular pulses of fuel - it did. Refitted.
8. Refitted all the fuel pipes and took Doug out for a spin..........no, belay that.....took Doug out for a shuffle. He shuffled and did not cut-out.
9. No more time left to check over the cooling system as per Muz's directions. When the engine was on the bench a few weeks back I had taken the radiator off and briefly inspected it but didn't really look at all the fins etc. as Doug wasn't overheating before all the issues with the IP. Another lesson in why one shouldn't cut corners

For MadMike:
Paint Codes for the EC15:
PJ 2340090 YELLOW
PJ 2340091 GREY
I never got prices for the paint but the supplier nearest us is John Dixon Hire 0191 226 3678.
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