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Volvo EC15B mini - engine removal & injection pump overhaul - plus ......

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  • jackpreacher
    Doug didn't start.
    Slight Fuel Loss around IP so I took the IP out agin, with the engine in situ - now it takes around 5 mins to do this. This is the procedure:

    1. Remove fat air pipe from inlet manifold.
    2. Remove all fuel injector pipes and fuel supply/return pipes
    3. Remove front access plate on the IP
    4. Remove stop solenoid
    5.Remove inlet manifold
    6. Unclip IP control linkage rod by unclipping the retaining spring.
    7. Remove 4 bolts from the top of the IP
    8. Draw out the IP.

    On withdrawal of the IP one of the spring/plunger units [there are 3] fell out of the IP - into the sump.
    All parts were easily retrieved with a magnetic retrieving tool. What a relief.
    The pump timing camshaft has sustained damage because one of the cam-followers had rotated 90 degrees in it's cylinder and was opposing the natural motion of the camshaft.

    I'm going to try and repair the IP so that the cam-followers don't twist and reorientate themselves.

    ..but there is good news. It is a lovely day.

    Photos to follow.


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  • Muz
    cool .. good to see it now .. I wonder why it fell apart ? I was looking at one I have here, I assume the flat plate on the side holds in 3 locater pins on the side of the plungers ? .. But one of your plungers has come right out ?

    Everything else ok in the engine ?

    These engines are very hard to source bits for other than Volvo .. but I bought a replacement whole engine from a company called Diamond Diesels .. they might have a pump for an L3e or do a service ex ...

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  • jackpreacher
    Doug Stuck.jpg
    Doug Stuck in the Mud

    Doug's Engine.jpg
    Doug's engine removed - Fuel tank removed first before the main lift out.

    Injection Pump.jpg
    Injection pump prior to removal - the access panel just underneath the pump allows access to release the pump control linkage. This is just one spring. It is an odd shaped spring but it is designed to be easy to release. The engine stop solenoid has already been unscrewed and removed.

    Injection Pump timimg camshaft.jpg
    View of the Injection Pump timing camshaft. These lobes activate/push the spring loaded cam-followers on the injection pump so there is no need to re-time the injection pump like in a regular car-type system powered by cambelts. So if you have to take the pump out you won't lose the timing. Beware of the pressure that this camshaft appears to apply upwards on the injection pump.

    Doug's IP in bits.jpg
    This was the cause of the pump failure. This looks pretty catastrophic at this stage but it was reassembled and put back, just to see. These three mini pumps are activated by the camshaft in the previous picture.

    Thursday 25th October 2012.
    Last night we put the engine back in Doug. I had run the engine over by hand [big socket turning the bottom pulley] to see if the IP was going to fall apart . It didn't.
    The sump was filled with 3.6 litres of oil but I haven't filled the coolant system yet.
    Straight after installation the 12v Fuel pump failed. The failure was caused by contaminated fuel. The pump was cleared by blowing through with compressed air [of the human variety] and some tapping with a wooden stick. It started to work again. Doug's battery was flat. Went home.

    The fuel pump contamination led me to investigate the red diesel storage we have in 210 litre oil drums. The hand powered pump which is specifically designed to attach to oil drums has a draw pipe extension which allows fluids to be drawn from lower in the oil drum. This had failed to hold it's set position and had sunk to the bottom of the oil drum. This meant that the last fuel load Doug had been given was contaminated. I failed to spot this.

    Attached Files

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  • jackpreacher
    Thanks Muz - I'll read that asap and sort it out.

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  • Muz
    looks like your posting a link that the forum wont accept for your images, have you tried uploading them?

    Use this guide here

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  • Muz
    I cant see any of your pics Jack ? .. what browser are you using ?

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  • jackpreacher
    Thanks Muz.

    Wednesday Morning 24th Oct

    Yesterday I refitted the fuel injection pump, sump, engine tray, bottom pulley, fan assembly, radiator and top & bottom hoses.
    The injection pump has a 50:50 chance of working as two of the cam follower/plunger assemblies will fall out of their cylinders if they are withdrawn away from the injection timing camshaft. If that's confusing then ask me and I'll cobble together a diagram!

    Today I'll refit the fuel tank, 12v fuel pump and air filter. After that it'll be fitted back into the EC15B.

    I have a quoted price for a new injection pump:

    1 x 7413168P – Injection Pump @ £545.37 + VAT (comes complete with seals etc)
    That is from a recommended/reputable Volvo dealer. Delivery is about a week. If all else fails then I'll buy a new pump.

    This is Doug, stuck with a dead injection pump. Bits of IP were heard tinkling into the sump. And it's raining.

    The engine on a hoist. It's still raining.

    The injection pump with all fuel pipes linkages, engine stop solenoid and inlet manifold removed. As I haven't got a Volvo service manual yet I didn't know what order to remove bits so I just dismantled everything. When the injection pump securing bolts are released [from IP top cover] the timing cam/cam follower springs physically push the IP off. This can be misleading as I assumed then that the pump was fully released and would just pull out. Wrong. There is still the control linkage which has a retaining spring holding it onto the IP. Once this is released the IP will pull out easily. In the case of my IP two of the cam followers with springs an retaining plates had dropped into the oil sump when I released the IP.

    More photos to follow.


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  • Muz
    Originally posted by jackpreacher View Post
    I'm not sure I can post photos yet -
    Should be ok now fella

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  • jackpreacher
    I'm not sure I can post photos yet - there are forum rules and regs that I probably haven't adhered to yet. Anyway, back to the job.

    Luckily all the parts were still in one piece and last night I put it all back together again and reinstalled it. I'll take it apart again now to take photos.'re didn't sound good...............tinkle, tinkle, parts fell apart.

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  • jackpreacher
    A few photos

    This is where Doug is stuck. I obvious name for a digger..

    And his engine is finally out;

    - the whole reason for finding this forum was because I couldn't fine the third bolt to release the engine tray....but, see below:

    Apologies for the orientation of the photos.



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  • ianoz
    Does not sound good Jack.

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  • jackpreacher
    Thanks for the welcome.

    Tuesday Morning
    Brief Summary -
    [i] Two of the cam followers with springs, securing plates, plungers had dropped out of the injection pump into the oil sump.
    [ii] There are small retaining studs which are held in place by a removable plate. It appears that the studs are worn and are not holding the cam followers in alignment. I suspect a previous repair has been tried as the retaining plate securing screws are scuffed and almost worn out.
    [iii] Then fuel circuit has no fuel filter. It has the water separator but no filter.

    I shall go and take photos of all these bits over the next few hours and post them here.


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  • ianoz
    Yes ,Welcome to the forum Jack .

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  • Muz
    Not really but dont worry about that .. i'll do some house keeping later

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  • jackpreacher
    Hello Muz and Stock.
    Before going any further is this thread in the right place?

    Photos?- definitely! I'll post them tomorrow when I'm back in the fray.

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