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i know of him from other forums in case you thought he was a spammer
Yes I'm aware of that cheers
Its a constant battle we have unfortunately .. keeping a forum clear of unwanted rubbish so that it keeps everything concise and on topic for the readers, means the baby gets thrown out with the bathwater from time to time
Sadly I've lost his formatting due to my error, and had to paste it under my own post title.
Spamming has become an art for some software engineers , and we now often get bots that 'comment spam' who look like real posters .. but aren't .. I think were 12,000 posts or so in now, .........all checked one at a time
Please don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
3. Check the gauge reading. If it's too low [mine was 85 Bar] adjust up in stages to 170 Bar, or thereabouts. No more than 175 Bar though, according the official Volvo service manual.
Remember, if your machine is older, or new to you but secondhand [like mine] the pressure relief may have been set lower to hide problems.
Mine adjusted up to 170 Bar and there have been no problems....yet!
I only adjusted this one setting. There are 2 others but my little EC15 is working fine, so, ".....if it ain't broke...leave it alone..."
Following up this thread to post my findings in the right place.
Quite to the opposite, my -15 has some 3300 hrs on it and when tested, I got 200bars. The machine is a contractor pre owned one, and obviously he's put more power in it. The Rexroth SB-12 block is rated 250 bars and all seems to work right and the engine sounds not overloaded. Should I turn the pressure down to 175bars?
Hello Good Friends..its been a while since I've posted here but I have to report that my EC15B is running 100% since all the open heart-surgery I had to perform on it back in 2013. The only fly in the pie is a leak developing on the auxiliary "Pecker" circuit but that'll be a replacement pipe in the spring....I'll document that as and when. Still an fabulous Forum MUZ
Hello Good Friends..its been a while since I've posted here but I have to report that my EC15B is running 100% since all the open heart-surgery I had to perform on it back in 2013. The only fly in the pie is a leak developing on the auxiliary "Pecker" circuit but that'll be a replacement pipe in the spring....I'll document that as and when. Still an fabulous Forum MUZ
Hello stranger we will look forward to the fastidious account thereof
Please don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist