Hi all, I have an old 801.4 jcb. I have operated it since 1992ish. I inherited it from my late father. About 12 years ago he asked the guy who did our fitting to put a new pump on it. I told him that it wasn't the pump, but changed it anyway! 
Anyway the left track is slow in both directions. I have checked the pump pressures. It is a triple pump and the readings are 250, 150 and 200 bar. The slow track is on the section pushing 250!!!! I am unsure where to go from here. I am gonna change the oil and filter as I am unsure when it was done last. But in preparation for the worst can someone please give me a clue?
thanx in advance Andie

Anyway the left track is slow in both directions. I have checked the pump pressures. It is a triple pump and the readings are 250, 150 and 200 bar. The slow track is on the section pushing 250!!!! I am unsure where to go from here. I am gonna change the oil and filter as I am unsure when it was done last. But in preparation for the worst can someone please give me a clue?
