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I think that yoke would struggle if it hit a knot or two eh ?
Please don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
well the summer solstice has passed and it time to thing of the approaching winter. My apologies for the prolonged absence but I've been busier than an ice cream seller in hell and the reason is something I'll return to when we are said and done. No cameras allowed on site etc.
Well this time last year Stock Junior and myself built a log splitter and to be honest it did everything we needed, but it suffered a major flaw........... during the winter it was almost impossible to start and nearly broke my wrist again with a kick back similar to a Holstein cow.
So how was it to be fixed, well back in March on a sales site we spotted a hydraulic power pack that well caught my eye, it was a non runner and was advertised for 42 days. I rang him and did a deal bought the unit for less than the price of the pumps. We struck off one Saturday morning and collected it in the city of the tribes. On our return were were unable to get it started but other things took priority and it was left in the shed for a couple of weeks. The unit is a Yanmar powerplant 3 cyl 22 hp diesel with two Bosch hydraulic pumps hydraulic tank, diesel tank and the engine has a Murphy system fitted.
(sorry plum pie is forcing unscheduled breaks )
When time allowed I had a further look at the fuel system and diagnosed a dodgy injector pump. I removed the pump with some difficulty as the rack was slightly seized but with a lot of patiences and tlc I removed it. I got a replacement pump from some one closely related to me who happened to have two identical engines in his shed. We fitted the pump but no start or no diesel either. We removed the pump to find that the pistons were stuck, after an application of some two stroke oil, a bit of WD40 and the use of a drill press I got all three pistons working refitted the pump, primed it and off she went . (more plum Pie)
Now it was running we tackled it to my last years project, but in the space of about 20 minutes the oil was excessively hot.
A little back round on this unit is necessary, it was built for (plum pie) agitating paint and only ran at tick over but to have any breaking force it need to be running at more than 2000 rpm. So were the pumps fecked or what, the unit had (plum pie) only 940hrs on it so unless it was spiked or abused the chances of the pumps being gone was little or none. We fitted a two way twin port 3/4" kontack valve and modified the return to the tank.
With this working I borrowed a commercially built log splitter and set the power pack and splitter on the trailer I had in the yard, been around since I bought it in 2007.(More Pie)
Heat was still an issue with the unit only able to run for a period of 3/4 of an hour before becoming too hot.
With some consultation with an acquaintance from Denmark called Ulrick who calculated that my hoses were too small from the log splitter, 3/8 valve was too small as was the return pipe. He recommended a direct return to the tank of at least 1/2" but 5/8" or 3/4" would be best.
I used the smaller of the two pumps to circulate oil to a transmission oil cooler from a Zetor tractor.The unit had a UCC in tank filter that was €160 so I changed it for the two in the picture above which retail for €12 ea.