Originally posted by Muz
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I've one 'spare' 2 way service set for rotate, which is proportional. The breaker is one way and on/off on a button!

So .... to get control of tilt, rotate (& an aux set) I needed to be able to divert flow to each. To get multiple/simultaneous op. I needed the Cetops.
Full proportional Cetops would've been nice

It would also have meant being able to use the breaker as a supply too, but ......... see above

As it is, I only need a one way proportional supply (which I'm using the rotate service for - one way only) and teh solenoid valve Cetops do all the 'trafffic control', via 6 buttons on the sticks

There's a lot more to come .............. an' it gets worse!!!!

Without 3,600 quids-worth (plus VAT) of proportional Cetops, this is as close as I can get to a full 'proprietary' tilty control, with the available resources, funding, knowledge, ability (& cunning),

.............. An' you'd have now't to read, in this thread at least!!
