"as popular as a fart in a space suit"
I'm going to have to remember that one Graeme that truly is a fantastic saying. Lol
Really like what you have done there with your quick hitch adapter and that block grab. Are you getting in to Masonry work where you might need that kind of attachment? Or just something to tinker with? That grading beam should work really well with your VA-R I've often thought it would be nice to have something like that for mounting on a skid-steer or mini-excavator. Will you be adding some hard facing to the bottom flange of that I-beam or H-beam so it doesn't wear out to quickly? A number of years ago I had a chunk of I-beam from a building I demolished and I used it at a couple other demolition jobs before I had to toss it in the scrap bin because there wasn't much of a flange left. The excavator's we use here commonly have a hydraulic thumb so I can grab a beam between the bucket and the thumb and level or slope things off without having to put the ditcher bucket on.
I'm going to have to remember that one Graeme that truly is a fantastic saying. Lol
