For a while .. I'd been getting an intermittant ABS light appearing on the dash. Hmmm .. I thought not good news and a bugger to trace sometimes. What could it be ? .. well Ive six wheels on this rig which is a 2006 model. The dash computer logged a series of ABS faults which my dealer helped by deciphering the codes, to see what they meant.
I had already surmised that the fault only appeared after the tag axle was lowered, and run on for a few miles. After about 60 miles of service it would often go out, so clearly once it had warmed up. The way Scanias are wired means that when the ABS fault lamp is lit .. it also knocks out the exhaust brake which is a PITA since its very useful when fully loaded, and assists the braking effect very well, preventing the brake rotors heating up too much.
Fearing the worst, I thought it was going to a real tough one to resolve, and as you will all know, features some quite expensive componentry in the ABS system, controllers, sensors, footbrake valves, servos .. you name it.
Well .. always remember rule #1 of spanner work ...always check the simple stuff first
I had already surmised that the fault only appeared after the tag axle was lowered, and run on for a few miles. After about 60 miles of service it would often go out, so clearly once it had warmed up. The way Scanias are wired means that when the ABS fault lamp is lit .. it also knocks out the exhaust brake which is a PITA since its very useful when fully loaded, and assists the braking effect very well, preventing the brake rotors heating up too much.
Fearing the worst, I thought it was going to a real tough one to resolve, and as you will all know, features some quite expensive componentry in the ABS system, controllers, sensors, footbrake valves, servos .. you name it.
Well .. always remember rule #1 of spanner work ...always check the simple stuff first