Bought this wee unit off flea bay a couple of years ago and its well paid for its self .gif)

The thing is .. when I need a tyre cut, if I took it down my local ATS for example... theyd do it .. whenever .. and you would have to take a chance when driving in, if they could do you there and then? so at least this way, I dont need to waste any time, and save myself £50 every tyre

The unit has a blade element in the brass clamp at the front which is spring loaded. so that when pressure is applied, the element gets heated, and you just keep forward pressure applied to make your cut with the desired pattern. This tyre is from a drive axle, so gets a cross cut pattern
The thing is .. when I need a tyre cut, if I took it down my local ATS for example... theyd do it .. whenever .. and you would have to take a chance when driving in, if they could do you there and then? so at least this way, I dont need to waste any time, and save myself £50 every tyre

The unit has a blade element in the brass clamp at the front which is spring loaded. so that when pressure is applied, the element gets heated, and you just keep forward pressure applied to make your cut with the desired pattern. This tyre is from a drive axle, so gets a cross cut pattern