they say, "the sun shines on the righteous"
.. they'm bad buggers down in the village
... no sun for them 'till lunchtime today
.... where as we had a glorious morning ....... .gif)

even Berrrrt turned up for brekky...gif)

..... not seen him in a week .... too many other pheasants about for his liking, I think .... a good 50+ on the lawns first thing .. everywhere!!!!
anyone know WTF these things are ?

they'm everywhere ...... and spreading !!!!!

managed to get 'in the seat' by 12-ish and hauled the beam out, after I'd deposited a bit of stuff around the edges with the bucket to start with .....

Alex has used this a lot and says he finds it better on backwards, with out the roller, so thought i'd give it a try

he's right .... float it so the trailing edge is smoothing it out and the 'front' is just cutting .... great results ....

and still makes a great 'shovel' - face shovel style .... drop a beam-full and pull it through ... can place lines of material really accurately ....
worked me way down,

'til I ran out of black stuff .....

....... more required

Odd few lines to lightly pull out with the back of the rake ..... then it's roller time ...... again ..... well happy with the results
..... a lot happier than the neighbours are gonna be with me and the roller tomorrow 


even Berrrrt turned up for brekky..

..... not seen him in a week .... too many other pheasants about for his liking, I think .... a good 50+ on the lawns first thing .. everywhere!!!!

anyone know WTF these things are ?

they'm everywhere ...... and spreading !!!!!

managed to get 'in the seat' by 12-ish and hauled the beam out, after I'd deposited a bit of stuff around the edges with the bucket to start with .....

Alex has used this a lot and says he finds it better on backwards, with out the roller, so thought i'd give it a try

he's right .... float it so the trailing edge is smoothing it out and the 'front' is just cutting .... great results ....

and still makes a great 'shovel' - face shovel style .... drop a beam-full and pull it through ... can place lines of material really accurately ....

worked me way down,

'til I ran out of black stuff .....

....... more required

Odd few lines to lightly pull out with the back of the rake ..... then it's roller time ...... again ..... well happy with the results
